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හම්බ අපි       නිසා
ගඳ ගහන  සිකුරාදා
අල්ලා  අගයලා
කරන්නෙමු  ද්වේෂා

අද නොවැම්බර් 04 සිකුරාදත්  අපේ ප්‍රේයාස්,  මම අපේ ආගම අමතක කරන්නේ නැහැ. ලතීෆ් ෆාරුක් අපේ ජිහාඩ් ලොක්කෙක්. මූ ආයුධ ගන්න තරම් කොන්දක් තියෙන එකෙක් නම් නොවෙයි. හැබැයි අපේ අනික් පර ලෙබ්බෙලාව අවුස්සන්න මාධ්‍ය ඔස්සේ එළ ගේමක් දෙන එකෙක්. ඉස්ලාමය කියන්නේ ද්වේෂයටම තවත් නමක් නිසා මූට මාර තැනක් තියෙන්නෙ අපේ ලෙබ්බෙලා අතර.

අනුරාධපුරේ අපේ හොර මොස්ක් එක කඩපු දා ඉඳන් මූට නින්ද යන්නෙ නැහැ. අපේ උන් බුඩිස්ට්ලගේ කුරගල පන්සල එහෙම පිටින්ම අල්ලලා ඒකට ඩෆ්තාර් ජයිලානි කියල නමත් දාගෙන බුඩිස්ට්ලට ඒක සහමුලින් අහිමි කරලත් බුඩිස්ට්ල අදටත් කට පියාගෙන නිදන් ඉන්නව. හැබැයි අපේ හොර පල්ලියක් හරි කැඩුවොත් නොනිඳා රැය පහන් කරන ලෙබ්බෙලා රටේ කීයක් ඉන්නවද කියල හිතපුවම මට හරි පුදුමයි. අපි හරිම ආගමිකයි නේ?.

අපේ උන් දෙන ගේම් එච්චරද? ඉතාම සුළු ප්‍රමානයක් විතරක් කෆීර්ලට අහුවෙලා තියෙනව, යන්තම් හතලිස් ගානක්. ඒත් කෆීර්ල මුකුත් වුනේ නැති ගානට තමයි ඉන්නෙ.
මේ තියෙන්නේ ඩේලි නිව්ස් එකෙත් හැම සතියෙම “Weekly Islam Page” කේප්ප පිටුවක් දාල කෆීර්ල ගොනා කරන අපේ ලතීෆ් ෆාරුක් ලෙබ්බේ මේ මාසේ පළවෙනිදා ඉස්ලාම් අපිට පමණක් එවපු ලියුම. ඔබ දන්න සියලුම ඉස්ලාම් කට්ටියට මෙය යවල දැනුවත් කරන්න ඕනෙ. ඔබ ඉස්ලාම් නොවේ නම් මෙය කියවන්න එපා හොඳේ? අපිට හජ් වලට සත්තු කෝටි ගානක් ගෙ බෙලි ගහන්නත් තියෙනව තව දවසකින් දෙකකින්. ආගම වෙනුවෙන් අපි හැමෝම එකතු වෙන්න ඕන වෙලාවක් මේක.

Mosque Demolition in Anuradhapura


“Latheef Farook”
 Tue Nov 1, 2011 11:31 am
Local politician Aruna Dissanayake  said “ A small group was trying to create sectarian problems in Anuradhapura where Muslims and Sinhalese Buddhists coexisted well” .

By Latheef Farook

The demolishing of an ancient Muslim shrine in Anuradhapura by a handful of lawless people has shocked people from all communities who are yearning for peace and harmony in the aftermath of the 30 year bloody ethnic.Anuradhapura is a city where members of all communities, Sinhalese, Muslims and Tamils, lived in harmony for generations. Even today inspite of the planned destruction, this peaceful atmosphere prevails. However handful of  racist elements who do not represent the majority Sinhalese community and who are hell bent on disturbing this communal harmony have demolished this shrine in violation of the law of the land.

In fact this is a blow to the basic constitutional rights of the Muslims who regard the demolition of the shrine as an attack on the community itself. Many, both Muslims and non Muslims alike, believe that this does not augur well for the country as it is bound to further divide the already divided communities. This is to the detriment of all in the country.

On 14 June 2011 around 11 pm a Buddhist monk together with six people attacked the more than four centuries old shrine of Sheikh Sikkandar Waliullah Muslims maintained calm after making a complaint to the police. However no action was taken against the monk and the people involved. Instead a police post was erected near the shrine to provide protection.

Though the tension subsided yet there was an uneasy calm.

On Saturday 10th September 2011 Muslims noticed that people started gathering slowly around the shrine of Sheikh Sikkandar. Since their movements were suspicious R.H.Jailabdeen, who is in charge of the shrine, informed the police. Police officials told him that” it was going to be a picketing and assured him that they would ensure the safety of the shrine”.

Police also requested the Muslims to be away from the shrine to avoid any confrontation. Muslims abided by the police request. However to their shock, instead of picketing, around 1 PM people came in two buses and in two vans led by Buddhist monk called Amitha Dhamma Thero and started demolishing the shrine.

What shocked the helpless Muslims in Anuradhapura was that this lawlessness took place under the watchful eyes of the police team which also included some high officials. Police watching the demolition was shown in the numerous pictures published in the Sri Lankan news website  .However , according to latest information, police has filed case against the three Buddhist monks in the group of people who demolished the shrine.

There was nothing the frustrated   Muslims could do though they expected the police to protect the shrine. According to Muslims in the area this vandalism was not committed by people from Anuradhapura but by people who were brought in from outside. This was the only solace to the Muslims and Sinhalese of the area, who are keen on maintaining their age old good relations between themselves.

Worshipping shrines is not part of Islam. However during the past few centuries the tradition of visiting shrines of pious men had taken place especially in South India, Sri Lanka and the Far East. Though this custom is fast fading out  there are still hardcore believers who visit shrines .Under such circumstance any harm to the shrine could provoke  violent confrontation which is not in the interest of anyone except a handful of racists who try to cash in by generating hatred and rabble rousing against the Muslims.

In fact despite this provocation Muslims maintained great restraint.

The website was the first to announce the demolition with numerous pictures. It was announced with a great sense of pride and achievement not realizing the pain they caused to Muslims who considered the attack on the shrine as an attack on the community itself, thereby damaging harmony between Muslims and Sinhalese.

Muslims in the area   pointed out that Sinhalese there too were deeply depressed and criticized this vandalism. For example local politician, Aruna Dissanayake who urged the government to act against the perpetrators” said a small group was trying to create sectarian problems in Anuradhapura where Muslims and Sinhalese Buddhists coexisted well.

Mainstream media in general failed to publish this vandalism .Only the Sunday Leader published this news in brief with four photos.

Later BBC broadcast a detailed account of the incident. According to this BBC report “the Buddhist monk Amatha Dhamma Thero, who led the mob, waved Buddhist flags and burnt the Muslims’ green flag. He admitted to have masterminded the demolition of the Muslim shrine stating that the shrine was built on the land given to Sinhalese 2000 years ago. Amatha Dhamma Thero also admitted that he has arranged the gathering of around 100 monks, some from other Asian countries to take part in the demolition as the Muslims were trying to convert the shrine into a mosque. According to him local government officials arrived at the scene and said they would remove the shrine within three days, but the crowd said” we cannot wait” and proceeded to tear down the structure.

Rejecting the claim as a fabricated lie, Jailabdeen said” there was no such plan to convert the shrine into a mosque. He also dismissed as false propaganda the claim that the shrine was built near the grave of Dutugemunu.

කෆීර්ලට මහා ලොකු දුටු ගැමුණු රජතුමා අපේ ලෙබ්බෙලාට නිකම්ම නිකම් දුටු ගැමුණු පමණයි. අපි ඉස්ලාම් නොවන කවුරුත් මායිම් කරන්නේ නැහැ

Meanwhile giving details about the shrine Jailabdeen said that” Sheikh Sikkandar Woliyulla, hailed from South India, visited Far East up to Indonesia carrying the message of Islam. On his way back he ended up in Anuradhapura where the Sinhalese king   honored him and employed him as his advisor. Thus Sheikh Sikkandar settled down in Anuradhapura.

On his death, on the instruction of the king, Sheikh Sikkandar was buried adjacent to the palace around fifty meters from the place where King Elara was believed to have been buried. This place was called Ottupallam which is located around three kilometers from the Old Anuradhapura City. This is how Sheikh Sikkandar’s shrine came to be called Ottupallam Tareeka.

According to Jailabdeen over the years Muslims, Tamils and Sinhalese used to visit the shrine where the Muslims held their annual “Kanthoori” festival. In fact at latter stage more non Muslims visited the shrine than Muslims.

Meanwhile when the new Anuradhapura city was constructed traditional lands of the Muslims in Ponnaram kulam, Kumpichchan Kulam and other such places were acquired by the government.  Under this scheme Muslims in the old city area such as Ottupallam, Kurunegala Road, Isurimuniya, kallumalai and Mawadi were given lands and housing facilities. The last batch of Ottupallam Muslims was shifted in May 2009.Thus the shrine was left to stand alone.

Yet the people used to visit the shrine frequently. On Fridays it has been a very crowded place. With the shifting of the people from Ottupallam campaign to demolish this shrine began   before it was finally destroyed on 10 September 2011.

Muslims believe that encouraged by the silence on the part of all concerned this very same group is preparing to demolish the shrine at  Jailani in Balangoda and the one near A9 Road at Mihintale. This group is also understood to be behind the vicious hate Muslim campaign pitting the Sinhalese against Muslims. Unless timely steps are taken to stop this vandalism this anti Muslim campaign has all the potentials to create unwanted an unnecessary problems which the country can ill afford.

මේ තත්ව යටතේ අපි කෆීර්ලට වහාම පහර දිය යුතුයි නේද? තවත් බුඩිස්ට් ටෙම්පල් ටිකක් මොස්ක් කර ගත යුතුයි නේද?   ගෙරි කුණු ඉස්ලාම් තොපි නිදිද?
  1. indika පවසයි:

    මුසල්මානුවා ……! මේ ඉංග්‍රීසි ලිපිය සිංහලට පරිවර්තනය කරලා දාන්න කෝ !

  2. […] ඉන්දියානු අපේ ලෙබ්බෙලා කියන්නේ බබ්‍රි කුණු මොස්ක් එක අවු 19 කට කලින් කඩපු එක උන්ගේ පාපී හිත් වල වෛරය මහමෙරක් තරමට අදත් නග්ගන බවත්, ඒක තිබුණ තැනම ආපහු හදල දෙනකම් හිතේ තුවාල හොඳ නොවෙන බවත්ය. මේක හරියටම අපේ අනුරාධපුරේ බලහත්කාර මොස්ක් එක කැඩුවට පස්සෙ ලංකාවේ ඉස්ලාම් හැතිකරේ ඇවිස්සිලා ඉන්නව වගේම වැඩක්. මතකනෙ ලතීෆ් ගොයියගෙ ගේම් එක. […]

  3. […] ඉන්දියානු අපේ ලෙබ්බෙලා කියන්නේ බබ්‍රි කුණු මොස්ක් එක අවු 19 කට කලින් කඩපු එක උන්ගේ පාපී හිත් වල වෛරය මහමෙරක් තරමට අදත් නග්ගන බවත්, ඒක තිබුණ තැනම ආපහු හදල දෙනකම් හිතේ තුවාල හොඳ නොවෙන බවත්ය. මේක හරියටම අපේ අනුරාධපුරේ බලහත්කාර මොස්ක් එක කැඩුවට පස්සෙ ලංකාවේ ඉස්ලාම් හැතිකරේ ඇවිස්සිලා ඉන්නව වගේම වැඩක්. මතකනෙ ලතීෆ් ගොයියගෙ ගේම් එක. […]

ප්‍රතිචාරයක් ලබාදෙන්න